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EU - Membership Categories

Professional members shall be those individuals who are Facility Managers, Mechanics, Architects, or Engineers. They shall not be employees or principals of any business entity controlling or directing the application, manufacture, distribution, sales, or marketing of products and services. Professional members shall be eligible to vote, serve on committees, and to hold any office of ELEVATOR U.

Industry Members shall be those individuals who are employees or principals of any business entity controlling or directing the application, manufacture, distribution, sales, or marketing of products and services. Industry members shall be eligible to vote, serve on committees, and to hold any office of ELEVATOR U.

Affiliate members shall be those individuals who are in the industry, such as consultants and employees of consulting or inspection concerns and government agencies or inspectors, and who share an interest in the activities of ELEVATOR U. Affiliate members shall be eligible to vote and shall be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Associate members shall be those individuals who are not actually within the industry, such as educators and employees of business concerns and government agencies, but who share an interest in the activities of ELEVATOR U. Associate members shall not be eligible to vote nor shall they be eligible for election to the Board of Directors.

Honorary members shall be professional, industry, or associate members who have been members in good standing in ELEVATOR U, have reached the age of retirement, and have been recommended for such change in status by documented application to the Secretary. Members so qualified may, upon approval of their application by ELEVATOR U, be granted the status of Honorary Member. They shall have the rights and privileges of a professional, industry or associate member in accordance with the classification held at the time of application for change in status.

A copy of the by-laws will be available to any active member of the Elevator U organization.

Yearly EU Membership - $150.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: June 1st No automatically recurring payments

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